Integration of Digital & Human Touch


A lot has been said about the introduction of technology into the world of insurance and savings. In his lecture, "Who Moved My Product?" Liran Zohar, vice president of insurance at Robin, explains how they did it in his company. Zohar explains that Robin is a technological company which utilizes an application and is currently celebrating its second birthday in the field of pensions. "We enable almost 170,000 users to get a full and up-to-date picture of their pension and insurance portfolios and at the same time we enable the insurance agents to give personal recommendations to each user. In addition, the application allows the end user to consult with experts and Robin and to cooperate with several insurance agents simultaneously. “It really is working well.” Zohar says “We have also entered Block Chain, Europe, and the USA, but I am not here at the conference to tell you about that, "he added.

Zohar noted that five months ago, at Adif's new pitch conference, he stood on this very stage and spoke about three things. "The first was that the technology has transferred the power to the customer, the second is that we must bring the customer true value and that he really must feel that he is receiving a service of value and thirdly and perhaps most importantly, we need to embrace the technology, not reject it. Nothing much new is happening out there. The fax is not going to make a comeback this year. The main emphasis here today is on the insurance agents in the audience, and I ask you do you really want to force the customer to choose between the human world and the digital world?" Zohar asked.

"If we let the customer chose, he will undoubtedly opt for the digital option. The insurance companies are investing large sums of money in this field and if it does not happen this year, it will happen next year, if not, do you want to allow both? The customer appreciates the insurance agents, likes and cherishes them, but if forced to choose what would he like more? He wants to save time and he wants efficiency. You can only provide these two things if you combine your digital and professional side with your human side," explained Zohar.

He asked those present in the hall to raise their hands if they use a banking website, or if they physically go to the bank to deposit a cheque or to check the status of their current account. "I envy you," he said to someone who raised his hand to acknowledge that he visits his local bank branch, “If you have the time during the day to drive to the bank, to look for parking, to go into the branch and to say hello to the female bank tellers then my friend, you are living the dream! Well done! When we want to do simple tasks, we work with digital tools, but the insurance world is not there yet, not in the digital world. We have 1001 excuses, we have customers and there are claims and ongoing cases and a ton of other reasons why not. "

“This is exactly where Robin steps in” Zohar went on to say and “I'm not here to confuse you with the technology, but I will present two solutions that should help you move on to the

digital world that you need to be in. For example, if we take the example of a car, you do not care how the engine works and how the radiator and the alternator are interacting so the how it works is less relevant. Let me show you the two tools that will help you drive to the world that you need to be in, and it's digital," he said. “The first is the expert portal and the second is the application and software. We have already launched the first solution, it is a dedicated portal for insurance agents and all you have to do is enter and subscribe, it’s suitable for all agents who want to grow their customer portfolio. We have quite a few users who have downloaded the app, received data and want to talk to you. The portal enables this conversation. You can pre-define the features of your potential customers and you can locate them in your vicinity down to the level of meters. This is something new we have launched in recent days, "Zohar added.

The Vice President of the Insurance said that when he stood here five months ago, he had promised to add another 50 agents in November. "It's happening now, but we have room for another 50 agents to be added to the more than 200 active agents across the country," he reiterated.

"The second solution is the application. Everything that we offer our users you can use externally and offer to your customers. What this means is, you can scratch off the Robin logo and embed your own. You can remove our recommendations and upload your own. Just imagine that your client has your application; that you determine, not only when the office is open and available, but also the actions that your client should take, you make the rules. And your client can take action on your recommendations after office hours, whenever he decides to take action. You will be benefitting from the digital and the human world.

Processes have taken place and will continue to do so and we will try to do everything in our power to benefit the industry. And I return now to the central question, in December 2018 do you really want to force your customers to choose between digital and human? Or do you want him to have both?"

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